model id: lipsync-1.9.0-beta

LipSync 1.9.0-beta is our latest model, representing a new class of lipsync technology under active development.


  • Highest resolution lipsync outputs
  • Most reliable results for a broad range of input videos
  • Faster than previous versions, twice as fast as version 1.8.0
  • Generates twice the face region compared to previous versions — leading to the jaw and cheek regions, to be modified to match the audio
  • Significantly fewer color artifacts compared to previous versions


  • Weak style preservation: generated mouth movements might not match the unique speaking style of the person
  • Generated lip movements can be feeble if the lips in the input video are completely shut
  • Generated teeth might not match the actual teeth of the person


  • If the generated lip movements are very different in terms of speaking style, consider older model versions
  • As a beta release, use with caution in production environments